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Thomas Dolman Citizen and Cordweynor of London being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory ( Thank be given to Almighty God therefore ) Do make and declare my last will and testament in manner following First I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator And in Jesus Christ my Saviour And as far as my temporal estate and substance ……I give and dispose thereof as followeth Imperimis I give and devise unto my son Hugin Dolman ( it doesn’t look like a Hugh) his heirs and assigns all my land lying and being in Rutham in the Co of Kent and in the occupation of William Miller or his assigns and which I lately purchased of William Higgins. Item I give and devise all that my farms house messuage or tenement barnes stables and outhouses there unto belonging and also their acres of land moreorless to the same farms house adjoining and belonging situate lying and being in the parish or Rutham in the Co of Kent And now in the occupation of Mr ….Dallison or his ……or assigns for ever unto my son Haggin ( spelt differently) Dolman and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue I give and devise the same unto my daughter Mary Dolman her heirs and assigns for ever. Provided nevertheless and I do hereby give and devise unto my mother Elizabeth Bridger(s) one annuity or yearly payment of three pounds of lawful money of England to be issuing and payable out of the said last mentioned lands and premises for and during the term of her natural life to be paid unto her half yearly by equal portions at the feast of St Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of our blessed Virgin Mary in every year. The first payment to be made at which service of the said Saint shall next after my deceased. I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary her heirs executors and assigns all that my leasehold messuages or tenements with its appurtenances situate lying and being in the Borough ot Southwark in the Co of Surrey and Now in the occupation of James Herbert or his assigns together with the lease there of and all my estate and interest and to the same Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Maryann Tottersall the sum of five pounds Sterling Item I give and bequeath unto my brother John Dolman the sum of ten pounds Item to my brother William Dolman Twenty shillings Item remitt unto my brother Jeremiah Dolman the such sum and sums of money and from him to me due and owing is due wife Item I give unto the poor of Marewoth ( Mereworth?) in the Co of Kent being the place of my nativity twenty shillings Item to the poor in the parish of Rutham aforesaid twenty shillings both which last mentioned legacies at my decease to pay into the hand of the present Church wardens of the respective parishes. To be by them distributed at their directions Item I give unto said Mother Elizabeth Bridgers and to my loving friend Henry Thwaite of Westminster in the Co of MDX Cordwayna the sum of five pounds a piece All the rest residue of my goods Chattles ready money and personal estate ( not before bequeathed) I give and bequeath unto my said son Huggin and daughter Mary equally between them share and share alike Item my will and mind ……that in case one of my said Children shall happen to dye before their respective ages of twenty one or marriage got child or children of their bodys Than then and in such my personal estate by me to them before respectively give shall be divided to brother and sisters etc and their children. If children are still minors to be executors then to mother Elizabeth Bridges and my loving friend Henry ?Thwaite to be joint executors until son and daughter shall be lawful
I do entreat my said executors to be guardians unto my said Children and during that time to have …… 22 Day of ? June, 1679 PRO Cat Ref: Prob/11/360 Image reference: 38 - National Archives: Admon to Elizabeth Bridgers and Henry Thwaites
Notes: from Penny Ferguson nee Dolman
He seems to have acquired or arrived with money to have such property as a cordwainer. Is Jeremie Dolman with son of same name a brother of this Thomas?
5.Google search I think for Henry Thwaite is Sir Henry Thwaite –check years are within range etc
6. Bridgers is a well known
7. Rutham is a known “old” place name in Google
8. Look at St Dunstan Stepney on Wiki