Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Edward Dollman 1859

The Edward (? James) Dollman is probably my g grandfather
who came to Australia about that time-possibly steerage
as no ship found. The George Dolman may help someone
trace their family off shore.
Penny Ferguson nee
Dolman -Canberra Australia
Monday, 18 February 2008
Esther Dolman Cheltenham Death 1871
Penny Dolman
Andrew Dollman Clerkenwell 1703
Of Parish of St James Clerkenwell Co Middlesex
-sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory-
Honoured mother Mary Dollman 10/-
Loving brother Thomas Dollman 1/-
Loving brother Henry Dollman 1/-
(They were left the obligatory 1/- so that they could not make a claim on the estate –PF)
“ Either of them can or may at any time heretofore claim challenge or pretend or demand to have out of any part of my Estate”
After debts funeral expenses etc etc all the rest and residue to my loving wife
Elizabeth Dollman..Sole executrix
19 April 1703. second year of the reign of our Lady Ann Queen of England
Witnesses: Thos Higgs, Will Clarke, Thos Nash,
Proved I think April 1703
Penny Dolman
William Doleman Sussex 1368
West Sussex Record Office: Archives Catalogue
Catalogue Reference
Grant from John Longe of Tonbridge to John Tebawd and Julia, his wife.
16 April 1368
Piece of land, with two houses built thereon, in Seal, in length towards N. and S. between the highway leading through the middle of the town and land of Isabel Spernal, and in width towards E. and W. between messuage of said Isabel Spernal and messuage of John Burgate. Witnesses: William Fremelyn, John Warstan, Richard Rolff, William Doleman, John Kenne, Richard Smyth, John Myn. Given at Seal.
Richard Doleman St Clement Dane 1712
I Richard Doleman of the Parish of St
Clement Danes in the County of Mddx Rolling Press Printer being of
Sound and Dispossessing Mind and Memory, do make this my last Will and
Testament in manner following ( That is to ay) First I bequeath my Soul
and Spirit into the Hands of Almighty God my Heavenly Father by whom of
the Mercy and only Grace I trust to be Saved and Received into Eternal
Rest, through the Death of my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, in
whose Precious blood, I set the whole and only hope of my Salvation,
My Body in hopes of a Joyful Resurrection I commit to the earth to be
decently buried at the Discretion of my Executrixes herein after
named. Impris after all my Debts Funeral Charges and Legacyes are
fully paid and satisfied I Give and Devise and Bequeath unto my Loving
Wife Mary and Daughter Susannah all the Rest and Remainder of all and
Singular my Goods Chattels ready Money and Debts to me owing the time
of my death for their equal benefit and advantage so long as my said
wife shall continue and be my widow Item I give and bequeath unto my
son John the sum of Ten Shillings to buy him a ring. Item I give and
bequeath unto my son in Law William Harvey, Citizen and Stationer of
London and Sarah his wife each of them a Gold Ring of the value of Ten
Shillings a piece and in case my said Daughter Susanna and Loveing Wife
Mary shall happen to depart this life then all and singular the
premises aforesaid to come to and be equally divided between my said
son John and daughter Sarah and their Heirs..Item I do hereby declare
my said son John, with what I have done for him in my Life Time and in
this my Will to be fully provided for by me, as to what he Shall or may
Pretend otherwise to claim. Item I do hereby Will on my blessing that
my said loveing Wife, Son John and Daughter Susanna do unanimously
agree and live in Love and Charity with each other. Item I do hereby
Ordaine and appoint my said Loving wife and Daughter Susanna Joint
Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all
former and other Will or Wills by me heretofore made. In Witness where
of I have to this my last Will contained in one sheet of Vellum set my
hand and Seal this Leventh Day of May in the Tenth Year of the Reigne
of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the Grace of God Defender of the Faith
Anno Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and eleven ( Eleaventh)
Witnesses John Linwood, Nicholas Daniel, Richard Janoway
Proved 1712 ( 24 day? Month)
Penny Dolman
John Doleman St Clement Dane 1742

eldest son Richard Doleman the sum of one shilling to be paid to him
within a ? Of a ? Day after my decease
to my wife Margarret Doleman all my utensils in my business all my
household goods wearing appareil books and cls. And other debts I owe
or demands belonging to me at my Decease being
in my ………………………..19 Day of March in the year of Our Lord 1742
Penny Dolman
Edward Dolman of Chichester Sussex 1719
The Will of Edward Dolman
Ordered from West Sussex Record Office STCI / 32
2 May 1719
give and bequeath my house wherein I dwell after my decease to my son Edward Dolman
for him to enjoy it till my grand-daughter Elizabeth Dolman shall
attain to the age of one and twenty at which time my wish is that she shall
have it for her own use to hold for her heirs but I give the cont of my house
till that time to my son Edward on consideration that he breed up my said grand
daughter Elizabeth all to be that she be kept to work Item I give to
my said Grand daughter Elizabeth Dolman all the furniture of my Chamber over
the shop which she shall enjoy at the age of one and twenty, Item I give to
my grand daughter Mary the
daughter of my son Samuel the furniture of my chamber over the Kitchen, my
wearing clothes to be equally divided amongst my three sons, William, Sam and
Edward. Twenty shillings to be given to my youngest son John
in lieu of his quart of my apparel. The goods in my shop to be appraised
and there to show to be equally divided among my three sons William, Sam and Edward
according to the discretion of my executors. I give the rest of my personal
estate, Goods and Chattels to be equally divided between my said Children.
make my
loving brothers Dr ? Togoley and Mr Daniel Lucas the executors of this my will and
testament Ed Dolman:- Signed Sealed published Declared by the testator to be
his last Will and Testament in one
?Page Robt
Bagster, Elizabeth Lucas. her mark, Minerva Humphry her mark.
Second Day of May 1719
read the Latin..Some reference to Elizabeth Dolman ..did she die? Or was still underage
- perhaps had reached her majority
Lucas may be the husband of Elizabeth Lucas possibly nee Dolman.
is also a Mary /Minerva Dolman in the family line of the Sussex families
so possibly related to Minerva Humphry
Edward is proved as being one of the Sussex families and he and his son
Edward are noted as being needle makers. He may have come from London or Sussex.
Other members of the family were or became cord wainers carpenters and mercers
and hat makers to Royalty
may also be a son James and Daniel and perhaps Elizabeth is the daughter of deceased son.
Penny Dolman