Chris Wilson is hoping that someone has some old photos of Hellier Lefour Dolman (Harry), Horace Lefour Dolman and their families. If you have any of these photos please email them to me (dolman.andy@hotmail.co.uk) and I'll make sure they get passed on to Chris.
Also if you recognise this Watney's pub (it could be in Camden Town or in Islington, London) will you let me know, as Chris would like to find it. Horace is on this photo playing the accordian.
I have some photos of marble busts of F Dollman and J C Dollman senior and J C Dollman junior done by my great great uncle in Harrogate in the late 1800s. Don't know if this might be of interest?
It would be great to have the photos to publish on the blog. Could you email them to me at dolman.andy@hotmail.co.uk
Thanks to Chris Dolman who has supplied photos for Chris Wilson of Harry.
I am another Adelaide Dollman and a decendent of Charles John Dollman, brother of the Academy artist J C dollman (JNR). Very interested in Miniben's photos of marble busts of JCD SNR and JNR and brother Francis - all from Sussex.
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