Friday, 12 March 2010


Can anyone help with this query?

My wife Helen is related to James Doman born 1773 (per 1751 census data) lived in Longbridge Deverill (LD) / Hill Deverill (HD) - married Mary Ford 29 Mar 1796 in LD - died 30 Apr 1852 HD. They had 11 children per HD church records - and some of their grand-children migrated to Australia. I have extensive data on the Australian lines amongst my 10,700 database.
For the last few months I have been trawling through the LD, HD, etc micro film tapes to try to find James Doman's forbears. Last week I received the Latter Day Saints film of Maiden Bradley (MB) - and find a Timothy Dolman that married Mary (Coleman?) - and had two children James baptised 1775 and Joseph 1777. In the LD records there is a Timothy & Mary Doman that had four children William 1784, Benjamin 1786, Mary 1788 and John 1792. I suspect that these are the same family - which would suggest James is son of Timothy (the birth data from census aligns to MB data).
With this data I looked at family trees on - found a number (including Steve Matthews one) that show Timothy, his father William (born Calne 1694) and through William 1668, Walter 1640, Walter 1611 to William Dolman / Joane Jeffries.
1. Can you confirm if the Timothy & Mary Dolman in MB are the same as the Timothy & Mary Doman in LD/ HD ?

1 comment:

Roger Dolman said...

For Terry’s benefit I should explain that we were acting under an incorrect assumption that my G4 grandfather was the James born in Maiden Bradley 1775. In fact we have now realised that was wrong and that my ancestor was born in Salisbury. The effect of this was to completely sever any known links to the Maiden Bradley Dolman line.

The research we did confirms your statement re Timothy and Mary having two sons James 1775 and Joseph 1777. It was this James that we took to be my 4G grandfather, marrying Elizabeth Coombes in Salisbury. We therefore had no reason to pursue any other marriage line for James.

However with regard to Timothy and Mary we did find the marriage details in the Parish Records. 12 May 1775. I am sure therefore that the two families are not the same.

I have since deleted the MB branch from my tree but still have any data archived and I have attached a GEDCOM file such as it is back to William and Hannah. Finding parents of these has so far proved impossible.

I have also been in touch with Jane Warren and Annette Gray who are also researching the MB Doman family. Annette is a member of Genes Reunited and will have the same info as Jane. It may be worth contacting her.

Other than that I don’t think I can assist you but don’t hesitate to get in touch if you think I can help.

Incidentally Kerry Hodges in Melbourne also has a large amount of data on Aus Dolman names, but as we have yet to prove a firm link between our Dolman name and the Doman branch he may not be able to assist. He is also on Genes.

Regards and good luck in your search.

Roger Dolman